3DWorld (5/293)

From:Matthias Bock
Date:2 Apr 2000 at 17:51:33
Subject:Re: MESA Problem

Thomas Frieden wrote in a Mail about "Re: [3DWorld] MESA Problem":
> > With openGL on windows this hides the triangles in the back
> > effectivly, but here on the Amiga, they are still visible. Have I
> > forgot something?
> Have you set a clear depth ?

Ahhh, I forgot to put GLUT_DEPTH in glutInitDisplayMode(). Now it works.

Thanks for the hints!


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/ ~(__) _ // eMail: starfox@cow.mayn.de \\ _ (__)~ \
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* ll" ll (do androids dream of electric sheep?) jj "jj *